A Zande Statue (Style Yambio)

$ 400.00

These object is integrated into a new social order and their creation could also respond to new, unprecedented meanings or the adaptation of rituals or worship



This type of sculpture with attractive lines and aesthetics is associated with Zande production and comes from South Sudan. Its high quality execution distinguishes it from the simple or rough lines of Zande figures.

It is believed that this unique style, characterized by almond-shaped perforated eyes, horseshoe-shaped arms and shoulders, oversized feet and genitals, and pyrography, originated in Yambio, in the court of King Gbudue (1835-1905).

  • Height : 34cm
  • Tribe : Zande People
  • Country : Congo ex Zaire , South Sudan
  • Material : Wood
  • Provenance : Private Collection
  • Estimated age : Early 20th Century

Additional information

Weight 0.5 kg
Dimensions 34 cm

A Zande Statue (Style Yambio)

$ 400.00