A Male Songye Kifwebe Mask

$ 2,200.00

These mask symbolize the contrasting forces of good and evil  male .

Playing a vital role in Songye rituals and performances, the Kifwebe mask finds its place in initiation ceremonies, funerals, and various social gatherings. It is believed to possess supernatural powers, acting as a conduit for communication with ancestral spirits and deities. Typically worn by male dancers, the mask becomes an integral part of elaborate dances and rituals, enhancing the spiritual and ceremonial atmosphere.



The Kifwebe mask stands as a prominent ceremonial artifact representing spiritual entities within Songye culture. Carved primarily from wood, it showcases striking geometric designs and exaggerated facial features. The male variant of the Kifwebe mask boasts a robust, angular structure, featuring a high forehead, deeply set eyes, a long, straight nose, and a prominent chin.

The Kifwebe mask plays a vital role in Songye rituals and performances, including initiation ceremonies, funerals, and other social events. It is believed to possess supernatural powers and serves as a means of communication with ancestral spirits and deities. The mask is typically worn by male dancers who perform elaborate dances and rituals while donning the mask.

  • Height : 72x34cm
  • Conditions : Restored
  • Tribe : Songye People
  • Country : Congo ex Zaire
  • Material : Wood , Pigment
  • Provenance :  Private Collection
  • Estimated age : Early 20th Century

Additional information

Weight 4 kg
Dimensions 72 × 34 × 32 cm

A Male Songye Kifwebe Mask

$ 2,200.00