A Kuba Kete Mask

$ 400.00

Like the large royal masks, these masks are highly elaborate and serve as objects of power and exchange currency between groups.

  • Height : 36x1cm
  • Tribe : Kuba People  People
  • Country : Congo ex Zaire
  • Material : Wood , Pigment
  • Provenance : Private Collection
  • Estimated age : 20th Century


The Kuba people are the most prolific group in Western Kasai. Kuba art has primarily developed around the royal person.

This prestigious culture, famous for its masks, royal figurines, and “velvet of Kasai,” is also rich in magnificent ceremonial costumes.

The production of masks, which find their identity during rites of passage, is one of the most remarkable elements of Kuba art.

Unfortunately, apart from the somewhat documented royal masks, especially in Joseph Cornet’s excellent book “Art Royal Kuba,” we have not found other sources for secondary masks.

Like the large royal masks, these masks are highly elaborate and serve as objects of power and exchange currency between groups.

Additional information

Weight 1 kg
Dimensions 36 × 20 cm

A Kuba Kete Mask

$ 400.00